Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Photography with a Pinhole Camera Research Paper

Photography with a Pinhole Camera - Research Paper Example Therefore, one has to study a variety of books and other available materials to have substantial information regarding the practice of photography. The pinhole camera is one of the ancient equipment used for photography (Sandler 19). Generally, a pinhole camera can be described as a simple that has a single aperture (pinhole) with no lens. This  study  focuses on an  overview of the pinhole camera, its comparison with the human eye, construction procedure and the procedure of shadow catching. Apparently, several studies have revealed that a pinhole camera is the simplest device to use when taking pictures (Daniilidis 39). The practice of constructing and using the pinhole camera gives the student a broad exposure to various disciplines such as the human psychology and light physics. In essence, the student students get the clear picture of photography and its associated challenges and opportunities. It is worth noting that all cameras, irrespective of the level of complexity, rely on a common elementary principle. Moreover, there exist various elements in the field of photography that should be considered in the study of the pinhole camera. For instance, it is important to recognize that the pinhole camera operates just like the human eye. In essence, the components of the pinhole camera and the various parts of the human eye perform similar tasks as discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. Light from the surrounding environment gets to the human eye through the pupil. The amount of light entering through the pupil is regulated by the Iris. In essence, the major role of the iris is to manipulate the size of the pupil in relation to the amount of light. Just like the eye, the pinhole camera operates with the aid of light. Light enters the camera through the aperture. The aperture can be described as a hole that facilitates penetration of light to the camera. The amount of light through the aperture is regulated by a component referred to as the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Licensed Occupational Therapist in New York State Essay Example for Free

Licensed Occupational Therapist in New York State Essay Currently, I am a licensed Occupational Therapist in New York State. I work with developmentally disabled and autistic children in both a private capacity and within the public school system. As an occupational therapist for children, I have to draw on the knowledge of a number of disciplines such as cultural studies, medicine, sociology, and even architecture to best serve the needs of each individual. Most of this knowledge helps me to prepare the children for futures in the classroom and society in general. Each discipline area allows me to give the children the physical and psychological tools they will need. However, there is also a very important emotional preparation that the children need even more than their physical needs that goes into my work. Developmentally disabled and autistic children often respond to touch in order to learn. Developmentally disabled children need touch because often verbal communication fails them. Physical contact through massage techniques can teach them how to use the processes they don’t lack in to strengthen the areas they fall behind. Autistic children on the other hand need to learn to accept touch/physical contact as a means of communication. For both areas of my work, I hope to use the knowledge I gain through Finger Lakes School of Massage to integrate techniques that will benefit children as they navigate a world that is often frustrating for them as they learn to adapt. Professional massage training provides me with further tools to utilize in helping children lead fulfilling lives. The techniques that I learn will be applied in early intervention therapy, which provides these special children a head start on preparing for the classroom and other social, academic, and medical situations they may/will encounter in their lives. 2. The world is becoming a smaller place, or so the cliche indicates. Yet I have found within my own community that though the world may grow more connected technologically, people grow farther apart. Many individuals go through whole days, weeks, even months without human physical contact. We are social animals by nature; we were not made to live solitary lives devoid of touch. Human touch is necessary to our well being physically and emotionally, so without this needed touch, we grow more stressed, distant, and irritable. In addition to my work as an occupational therapist in early intervention with developmentally disabled and autistic children, I hope to use the expertise I gain at Finger Lakes School of Massage to serve my community. In both my occupational therapy work with very young children and as a message therapist for adults, I firmly believe that the combination of physical touch and massage provides my clients an opportunity to relax overused muscles and make use of long dormant muscles. Therefore, I would like to be able to offer my services as a massage therapist to the people around me. I have found that despite the vast need for such services, most communities including my own have very few massage therapists or simply none at all. Those few often find themselves exceedingly busy trying to fulfill the need of their communities because so many people seek out message therapy to ease the demands on their bodies and minds. The time used to deliver a massage is time individuals can use to slow down and care for their personal health and well being. Massage is a growing discipline that is attempting to fill the essential need of human socialization that includes necessary touch, physical release of tension, and an opportunity to just stop and relax.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cultural and Racial Inequality in Hemingways Indian Camp Essay

Cultural and Racial Inequality in Hemingway's Indian Camp Hemingway's "Indian Camp" concerns Nick Adams' journey into the unknown to ultimately experience and witness the full cycle of birth and death. Although Nick's experience is a major theme in the story, cultural inequality also is an issue that adds to the the story's narrative range. Throughout this short story, there are many examples of racial domination between Nick's family and the Indians. Dr. Adams' and Uncle George's racist behavior toward the Native Americans are based on the history of competition between Caucasians and America's indigenous peoples. "Indian Camp" begins at the shore where Nick, his father, and Uncle George are picked up by Indians in rowboats. When Nick and the men get into the rowboat, the Indians row them to the Indian Camp, with no help from the doctor or Uncle George. This evidence is the first example of cultural domination in the story. Once across the lake, Uncle George gives the Indians cigars. Uncle George's action could be a gift or a congratulatory gesture for the baby about to be b...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Absinthe - One Verdant Drink Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pape

Absinthe - One Verdant Drink What inspires artistic genius? Some proclaim God, others beauty, many believe instanity, and a few say†¦.mind altering drinks. One cannot but notice the companionship of alchohol with music, literature, and poetry. During the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, Absinthe was the beverage of choice for many prominent artists, and was at the center of the lives of such famous minds as Degas, Manet, Gauguin, and Poe. Le Feà © Verte (its pseudonym, meaning green fairy) while immensly popular at one point, was prohibited because of its dangerous side effects and â€Å"immoral† connotations. However, its sudden come back in Europe and the U.S. has only reaffirmed its symbol as a drink for artistic revolution and just plain drunkeness. The history of Absinthe saw its beginning as a medicinal herb and a transition into a popular drink. Hippocrates perscribed soaked wormwood to his patients for rheumatism and menstrual pain. However,in the sixteenth century, Dr. Pierre Ordinaire distilled Wormwood to its liquid form and what we now know as Absinthe. In 1797, Henry-Pernod was the first person to manufacture and distribute the drink to cafes across France. By the nineteenth century, Absinthe became madly popular in continental european night life. Val-de-Traviers in Switzerland and Pontarlier in France were manufacturing powerhouses of La Feà © Verte. Among the Bohemian community, artists such as Van Gogh and Manet were known for making it the subject of their art and imbibing it in large quantities. Ernest Hemingway, an Absinthe connesieur, explained that â€Å"One cap of it took the place of the evening of papers, of all old evenings in cafes, of all chestnut trees th... ...utionary Bohemian artists back at the turn of century . Art and substance are sometimes concomitant. One verdant drink, Absinthe, is a landmark to an era long passed among the modern age’s most brilliant artistic minds. Although originally used for medicinal treatment, it was consumed ravenously by such famous individuals such as Hemingway, Van Gogh, Degas in Parisian cafes. However, the rise of the prohibitionist movement and fear of its narcotic effects led to its ban across western Europe in 1915. Nevertheless, its resurging popularity stands as a testament to a yearning of the radicalism and change at the turn of the century. Works Cited 1. Informative Site on Absinthe, 2. Drug Library, The Vaults of Erowid,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Itm Slp

I prefer Firebox for its speed in producing results. Both browsers allow me to choose the tools and options I use most often, as well as to select whether to remember and store browsing history. As I use the Internet frequently, to conduct research, It Is often necessary to go back and find a source that I used during a previous session or on a different day. Both browsers allow me to view the history, to find sites I visited recently. However, Internet Explorer offers a history side bar, which is more convenient for accessing browsing history.While this feature is handy, I do not necessarily care for, or need, the additional bells and whistles of Internet Explorer. The ability to customize the background screen, choosing from a variety of scenes, may be more important to the user who spends most of his or her time on the internet socializing or visiting social networking sites. While I do engage in social networking online, it is not my main activity. Therefore, features such as the customizable screen are of little Importance to me.Both Firebox and Internet Explorer allow me to conduct a search using Google. While It Is not the only search engine available, It can help me with research, by allowing me to find scholarly resources, without necessarily accessing a university library or database. Google scholar often provides extensive lists of resources in an efficient manner. Google Chrome is a fast browser, it brings up search results quickly and the results appear to be ranked in order of their applicability, to the content in the search request.When using Firebox, I can produce the same search results as with Google Chrome. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, often produces search results that are neither useful or on topic, in my opinion. I conducted a search on drug use in America using Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Firebox produced identical results as Google Chrome. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, produced a group of listings that appear t o be advertising drug addiction treatments and centers, rather than producing the results of available and current research on drug use.Internet Explorer appears to be geared more toward advertising and the average casual user. While I may shop and read product reviews online, I do not need to be inundated with advertising, when conducting research away from Internet Explorer for the past several years. I am not against advertising on the internet. If I choose not to view pop up ads, I can adjust all browsers accordingly. Sometimes, accessing various features of online course require turning the pop up blocker off. This has not been a problem with Firebox.It is a problem with Internet Explorer, as I am always fearful that ads will mom up as soon as I navigate away from the course site. Internet Explorer often changes the search options, such as automatically making ask. Com or being my search engine of choice, without my permission. Firebox and Google Chrome do not. When this occurs with Internet Explorer, I become fearful of spare and mallard being loaded onto my computer. To me, this practice is dishonest and creates a lack of trust. Conclusion Overall, I prefer to have greater control over the advertising and search options of my browser.I do not find Internet Explorer to be as friendly, for conducting research and gathering useful, relevant information. This is the majority of time spent online for me. For those who are casual users or who use the internet solely for entertainment, Internet Explorer may not seem so bothersome. While Google Chrome is fast and gives me the results I want, it is often not compatible with academic sites or with online course applications. This is probably the one critical factor that prevents me from using the browser more frequently. Google Chrome Internet Explorer Firebox

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Revivalism Essay Essays

Revivalism Essay Essays Revivalism Essay Essay Revivalism Essay Essay â€Å"Revivalism is an reliable Afro-Christian spiritual common people signifier that evolved during the eighteenth to 19th century. Initially. it was the native Baptist Christians who joined forces with the Moravians. and other non-conformist churches to go the precursors of the motion. However. Jamaica was said to hold experienced a spiritual motion called the Great Revival in 1861. which saw the incorporation of much more African keeping in the motion. Pocomania is more African in signifier while Zion is more Christian oriented. † [ 1 ] Upon fixing to ship this journey. I was a spot disgruntled that I had to wake up in the wee hours of the forenoon to travel this â€Å"Watt Town† jaunt. but I still approached with a unfastened head. though I had an thought of what to anticipate. seeing that I was already acquainted with quite a few Evangelists. Honestly I expected it to be a waste of clip. but upon seeing the family of my friends. while waiting on the coachs which were scheduled to take us on our journey it got easier and easier. we engaged in gags and anthem we swore were Revivalist anthems but Mr. Grey rapidly busted our bubble and told us that those anthems were Pentecostal. We were greeted by a semi-pleasant but slow coach driver. but the vibration in our coach rapidly took our heads off the length of the journey. I view Evangelists as extremely spiritual people who are in melody with liquors with from assorted kingdoms. known as Heaven. Earth and Ground spirit kingdoms. I met with a batch of different Evangelists. but what I found instead interesting was the fact that the nucleus of what they were stating were similar but they were besides many elusive differences. For illustration I met with a adult male. whose name is Joseph Whitter. of the Olivette Seventh twenty-four hours church. nd he seemed to be rather respected in the church community. he blatantly stated at the beginning of the conversation that. â€Å"Revivalism is the lone manner to be saved† . we had a long drawn out treatment on what are my personal positions on faith and the gap statement he made. where I told him that I strongly disagree with that statement and I believe that the re is merely one God and peace and love is the ultimate end. which everyone should seek to accomplish. no affair what religion one identifies with. I so met with Miss. Barbara Harper of the same church. Olivette Seventh twenty-four hours church. and she stated that people should travel to any church they want to travel to and make anything that is genuinely delighting to God. when I mentioned what her church brother thought about the same thing. she said that there is no 1 manner to acquire to heaven and that people spend more of their clip in competition with other denominations and faiths instead than giving congratulationss to the most high. I laughed a spot and I was in entire understanding with her statement. We so started to speak about her life. and how she was before she identified that Revivalism was for her. I could see that the motion really helped her and improved her life. before traveling on I thanked her for being so honest and concluding with me. stating her that I would listen to her talk any twenty-four hours for she had a broad and unfastened head and I perfectly hated extremist minded people. who try to coerce their philosophies and beliefs down peoples pharynxs. When we eventually arrived at Watt Town. after our excess long journey I had no thought of what I was approximately to witness. the site was like nil I had seen before. I was greeted by what had seemed to be 100s of people. I discovered that Watt Town was holding what had seemed like an inter -church convention. I saw kids from assorted schools and immature grownups like our egos at that place to see this effort. One of the first things I noticed about the Evangelists was they were have oning different uniforms in different manners and colorss. I wondered and asked why were they dressed like this and a sort lady told me that each church was represented by different uniforms. The seal is the focal point of the church ; this is where the angels are believed to attest themselves. This is the most sacred country of the land and is a welcoming tool. The seal is a dominant characteristic in all evangelist churches because the seal encourages liquors which come and possess the members. enabling them to transport out their plants of healing and worship. It is advised that one should walk around the seal three times to pay regard to the Tribune God. Some seals can be seen with silver coins in them. this is payment to the liquors for their aid. The flags and streamers we saw at the forepart play a really of import function in the revivalism. A tall pole normally marks a resurgence land. The flags on the pole are used to assail go throughing liquors. the attractive force of liquors is really of import to revivalism because they believe in many liquors and that they can be appeased or summoned to help in their daily lives. Each streamer has its ain intent. Green means anything of nature. Blue and white agencies peace. tap love and ruddy bases for the blood of Jesus. Upon embarking to the top of the construction. some pebbles started to rain from a roof top. some hitting my caput. non understanding anything about what was traveling on yet. I didn’t take kindly to this. that confused me a bit more than I already was. When a group of us eventually got to the top we noticed the different worship circles/prayer group. and I was pleased by some as I saw some circles which were assorted with members of different churches. this showed me that pride was non an issue and did non impede worship. and the chief end. amplifying the most high. I stood in astonishment right following to two worship circles and I heard assorted choruses. some I had heard before. some I had non. I was familiar with vocals such as â€Å"Madda de great rock got to move† and â€Å"Rock oh! Rock sanctum. stone Ohio! Rock holy† . Bing a instrumentalist I enjoyed this facet of the jaunt. placing the keys and the chord patterned advances that would travel with their simple but effectual tunes. I noticed that even though their uniforms were different. they had many things in common. I noticed that many of them had caput wraps with assorted pieces of letter paper in the wraps. I laughed at this sight because I thought they were taking notes or something. but as I went on and I learned more I discovered that the pencils. swayers and scissors that I saw resting in their caput wraps had particular significance. The pencils and swayers signifies mending among the followings. the scissors were carried around by a specific set of people. known as the therapists. who use the scissors to literally cut immorality from around the individuals being healed. as demonstrated to us by a immature adult male named Otis. A few of the Evangelists were besides seen transporting around a metre swayer. this was given to people who had been populating a righteous life and who were slated to be married. We saw some people rinsing their face with sugar H2O. this was said to convey clearance and pureness. the supplication shawl was said to stand for the Tribe of Judah. as we learned that. like the Rastafarians there was a batch of African roots in Revivalism besides. and they used ruddy green and gold to place with Ethiopia and Ghana. When I inquired about a lamp I saw an aged adult female transporting about. she said that the lamp besides represents healing and religious visible radiation because evangelists don’t walk in the darkness. These mending symbols were brought from Africa with the slaves and became an built-in portion of the evangelist healing services. As a consequence the present twenty-four hours evangelist has maintained the pattern. I asked some Evangelists of their existent businesss and from the answers I found out that they were either twenty-four hours workers. higglers or fishermen. ( more than probably belonging to the lower category ) I saw that this must hold contributed to the contemptuous intervention by mainstream and middle/upper category Christians. They consider them to be extremely superstitious. heathen. crude and amusing in ritual behaviours particularly when they suspect them of practising obi. The contempt heaped on the lower category involved in revivalism can be traced to colonialism. Stratification was practiced on the plantation non merely from the position of Whites to none Whites or but besides among the inkinesss. The free slave felt himself above the house slave who felt they were superior to the field slaves and there was farther stratification in that group depending on the pack to which they belong. Seaga. in his Hagiographas in the 1980’s explained that Revivalism besides has different degrees within its construction. There is the Leader who is the cardinal figure of importance ; below the leader are the armour carrier. shepherd male child and female parent. The leader is neer normally questioned on the ground for ritual observations. The ritualistic signifiers of Revivalism takes three major signifiers such as supplication meeting. street meeting and rites for specific intents for illustration tabular arraies. communion tables and baths. The meetings are normally opened to the populace. Revivalism is divided into two groups. Zion and Pocomania. Pocomania is more African in signifier while Zion is more Christian oriented. they are referred to as 2 different religious groups the 60 and 61. the 60 spirit ( Zion ) are individuals who believe in merely one God. the Celestial liquors. archangels. saints and angels. Ho are viewed as steadfastly rooted and committed Christian. The 61 ( Pocomania ) spirit comprises of persons who take bids from earth-bound liquors are the â€Å"Fallen Angels† ( demonic powers ) . from God and from The Ground liquors are those of the human dead that are non biblically mentioned. I noticed that the people o f the 60 spirit. look down the 61 in a manner which gave me a feeling of segregation between both of the groups. I noticed that like other Christians. Evangelists besides go on fasting Sessionss but they can’t merely acquire up and fast they have to be ordered by the holy spirit. Besides apart a Revivalists civilization includes heavy use of flowers they believe that when you place the flowers in H2O and travel to kip you dream see your hereafter. whether it brings devastation or luck. Some of my positions on Evangelists were different after the trip. antecedently I thought that. Revivalists merely went to church like other Christians and the worship was similar but I was mistaken. I besides thought that they used instruments but I discovered that their organic structures were their instruments. stamping and grunting to assist them maintain clip and to supply percussive sounds. In my sentiment the greatest gift Evangelists can give to the Jamaican civilization. is their sense of integrity. holding being bashed for many many old ages. I saw that these people remained strong and stood house for what they believe. That is what many faiths and people of Jamaica need to last through good times and bad. this was what I took off from the journey. and if I didn’t take anything else. I was glad I took this quality from the Revivalists. integrity is strength and they will everlastingly be a changeless reminder of that value.

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Analysis of The Odyssey essays

An Analysis of The Odyssey essays The Trojan War was over, and Odysseus tricked the enemy into bringing the huge wooden horse inside the city walls of Troy. The Trojans had no idea that the Greeks were hiding inside. That night, while their enemies slept Odysseus and his men snuck out of the horses' belly, they let in their fellow soldiers who came back under the cover of darkness. Troy was destroyed and the Trojans were vanquished. It was time for Odysseus and his warriors to return home. This was the starting point for the story of the Odyssey. 10 years later in Ithaca, Odysseus' son Telemachus called a council of the men due to the inspiration he received from goddess Athena. He asked them how they could let his mother get taken advantage of. Antinous, one of the leaders of the town, put the blame on Penelope, who was still grieving her husband, Odysseus. Antinous felt Penelope should forget about Odysseus because he was probably dead. It should be noted that because Odysseus did not give proper respect to the god Poseidon, he was doomed to roam the seas for all time. Telemachus asks his countrymen to fit him a ship so that he could find news on his father. Back in his own hall, Antinous tried to make peace with Telemachus, but he would have none of it. The other suitors would mock the young boy for his show of defiance. They were determined to have everything Odysseus once possessed, including his wife, Penelope. They boarded the ship and sailed to a cave where Cyclops lived. They offered him food and he readily accepted. He also took it upon himself to eat two of Telemachus' soldiers! Well, it didn't take them long to see that this was not the best of the situations. They escaped the cave. They sailed back to the kingdom of Ithaca where Odysseus eventually returns to reunite with his wife and son. However, after 7 years, Telemachus didn't recognize him immediately. He proved his identity by telling him a story that onl ...